Center for Academic Success

Center for Academic Success

Welcome to CAS

The Center for Academic Success offers support at any Butte College location. Scroll down for specific hours at main campus, Chico Center, and Glenn County Center. Scroll down for hours of operation at each location starting January 27, 2025.

CAS was recently awarded certification by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). See press release here.

Interested in applying for a job? Scroll down!

Services provided include:

Chico Center (CHC 230)

Chico Center (CHC 230)

Spring 2025 Hours:
Mon - Tues: 9am to 6pm
Wed - Thurs: 10am to 8pm
Friday: 9am to 12pm


Main Campus CAS (LRC 203)

Spring 2025 Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8am to 5pm
Friday: 8am to 2pm

Glenn County Center CAS (GCC 113)

Glenn County Center CAS (GCC 113)

Spring 2025 Hours
Mon & Wed: 10:30am to 2:30pm
Tues & Thurs: 11am to 7pm
Closed Fridays

Tutoring Students

Sign Up for CAS Services

CAS services are free and available to all Butte College students.

Each semester, students are asked to enroll in EDUC 310, a free, non-graded, no-credit check-in system.
It only takes a few minutes to register and is necessary for continued CAS funding.

Fall EDUC 310 section is 3273.
Spring EDUC 310 section is 3286.

Questions? Call us at the numbers above.

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Critical Skills for College Success (1/2-Unit Course)

Critical Skills for College Success (EDUC 10, 110, or 210) is a ½-unit course offered by CAS and can be added through the 9th week of each semester.

This course (EDUC 10, 110, or 210) provides individualized support aimed at increasing student success in classes.

Course Requirements

  • 3 conferences with CAS faculty
  • Attendance at 8 selected Critical Skills Workshops
  • Successful completion of homework assignments

Interested? Contact Miya Clark for permission to add.

Contact Us

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Employment in CAS

CAS has a variety of employment opportunities for students. Positions include Student Assistant, Student Tutor, Supplemental Instruction Leader, and Workshop Assistant.

Student Assistant and Workshop Assistant Requirements

  • Enrollment in at least 6 units at Butte College
  • 2.5 GPA
  • Compatible schedule

Student Tutors and SI Leaders Requirements

  • Enrollment in at least 6 units at Butte College
  • 3.0 GPA
  • A recommendation from a Butte College Instructor
  • Compatible schedule

Want to apply to work in CAS? Follow these steps:
1. Access the student employee application here. Use "save as" to save the form to your computer.
2. Download the Supplemental Questions document and "save as."
3. Download the Availability Sheet.
4. Applying as a Tutor or SI Leader? You'll need a faculty recommendation. This can be emailed directly to Amy Hughes.
5. Send completed documents to Amy Hughes (

Returning employees please complete an availability sheet and return it to Amy to reapply.

Student Employee Timesheet

Students Learning

Mission and SLOs

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) teaches skills and strategies to help students become independent and active learners and achieve academic success.

Our four Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) summarize what students will ideally achieve as a result of their participation in CAS programs and services: 


1. Effective Use of Resources
2. Successful Application of Learning Strategies
3. Effective Use of Self-Assessment Strategies
4. Retention and Success

We offer many resources in support of academic success for all current Butte College students. Contact us any time to learn more!

Content Editor:
Tina Day